Flour is the name given to fine powder obtained by grinding cereals. It is the basic component of many foods, especially bread and pastries. Usually, the powder obtained from wheat is simply called flour. In flour silos, a dense dust occurs during filling. The most ideal level measurement method that is not affected by these dusts is radar.
With its antenna system in horn or parabolic structure, the MICROPULS 58 is the ideal radar sensor especially for the measurement of fragmented solids under the most difficult conditions. The electronic amplifier is configured for harsh conditions and is powered by three separate amplifiers. In this way, MICROPULS 58 is the most powerful sensor capable of measuring up to 70m in all particulate solids such as cement, aggregate, plastic, coal, lime, minerals, sawdust, chips, food powders, feed, grain, granules, especially in dusty environments.
MICROPULS 59 is the ideal radar sensor for measuring segmented solids under difficult conditions. With its antenna system in Horn or Parabolic structure, it is the most economical sensor for the measurement of partial solids up to 15 meters. The electronic riser is configured for dusty environments. In this way, MICROPULS 59 is one of the most powerful sensors that can measure up to 15m in all particulate solids, especially in dusty environments, such as cement, aggregate, plastic, coal, lime, mineral, sawdust, chips, food powders, feed, grain, granules and so on.
Prevent Overflow with MICROVIB
It is a vibrating fork type level circuit that is used to protect against overflow and idle work in tanks and storage areas where solid products such as cement, sand, flour and salt are located in powder and granular structure.